The end of a long weekend :(

So it is Saturday night. I dont know how I feel about this, becuase sundays to me always mean that i have to do my homework. And now granted i dont have that much, but its still just work. I have to finish and put the finishing touches to my research paper and thats just a pain. So much to do, and I feel like either dont have enough time or i just dont feel like doing it! But you have to do it sometime! Then i have this whole situation with my family, where i was going to fly to california next weekend to take a picture with my grandparents (its a family picture and tehy do it every year), and i cant becuase my brother cant go, and so now i have to fly out there right wehn i was goign to have my christmas party which i do annually. Its just very disappointing. Then the whole guy situation i was talking about in the last entry, i have basically given up on, beucase he still has yet to talk to me. And i was tlaking to my guy friend today about it, adn he was like "well the only reason i wouldnt have asked a girl out again after canceling on her, would be that i found something out about her that made me lose interest" now this really disappoints me, mainly becuase i dont know what i did! So i dont know what to do. My mom was like oh did that guy ever call to talk to you again, and I said no, and she goes well theres your answer. ITs just all very disapointing becuase it think it could have been somethign really fun, and at least nice for a little while. Anwyas, i went to see National Treasure today with my friend and then went out to eat iwth my family. Which was really fun, becuase i loved that movie, it thought it was really really good. Now granted i never dislike a movie unless its like absoluetly horrible, but i really really liked this movie. My friend and I got there late so we had to sit in the front row, so im thinking i need to see it again to like be able to see and read some of the movie, but even wtih that I really liked it. And now im here getting all disapointed and such and so im going to stop thinking about it, and go do some homework. Oh yes totaly fun! off to work! Hope all of your weekends are going well. Casey
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I did not know you had a journal... GO YOU..

Kaylee.. and I will tell you about it.. I promise
it's not what you did.

it's what they can pin you for