senior days

I hope everyone had fun at prom! I know I did, i know everyone looked amazing, handsome and gorgeous!! I loved seeing everyone at prom all dolled up! You were all soooo pretty!! :) Anyways, ntohing much is new. I think all of the seniors will agree that school really has NO point whatsoever and seems utterly pointless. We have a week nad like half now left, I think thats crazy!! I can't wait to graduate, but i know im going to be sooo sad, beucase i know im like never going to see these people again. And im going to be out of my comfort zone yet again. Im super excited for a new change and chapter in my life though, i wish everyone the very best in their futures. Good luck seniors keeping focused i know im going to need all the luck i can get! Senior breakfast thursday and senior ditch day friday! yay!!! Have fun all! Casey
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Hmmm...prom, something i have to look forward to..:)
You looked sooooo pretty at prom too :D.
