Im done!

So its the end to another day. I am very happy at the moment and I dont even know why. I have been like hysterically laughing today. this is the funny part, about absolutely nothing! But it felt sooo good, just to laugh! Liek somthing that i had tried to keep bottled up for a long time finally made its way out! Either that, or im so sick of dealing wtih things at this point my emotional state decided that i had to let it out some way. Either way i guess they are sort of the same. Um let me see. Today could have been really boring beucase i didnt do very much, but I actually feel like I accomplished something. I went to church and I sang (like i do whenever i go to church) in the choir, and that was fun beucase there were only 2 other sopranoes, so they really needed me. it was funny. Then i got to talk to my friend whose been sick and dealing wtih stuff, so she had to be homebound schooled for at least this semester, so im always glad to chat with her. Then i came home and helped get all of the christmas decorations down from the attic (they were heavy!!) and then i was ordered becuase it was my idea to get all the stuff down, to decorate. But I had fun none the less! I love decorating! I love christmas! I was so happy just decorating nad listening to christmas music. Then i had to sit down and work on my research paper. NO FUN AT ALL! But i finished it other than the work cited page and the citations so i felt good about finally finishing it. Then my family and I watched the movie the Terminal. It was pretty good, really long and didnt have to much of a point. BUt i liked it just the same. Now i am here, writing this. I am feeling very accomplished and just content. The whole guy situation i have decided to let go. Im not dealing iwth it anymore. I have deleted it from my memory and my instant message screen. I do not want to go to school tomorrow, but who ever does? Just 2 and a half more weeks left people! Then it is the BEST holiday ever!! Happy Holidays, and I will see you tomorrow! Hope all your long weekends went well. I want to hear everything tomorrow! Casey
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hey umm congrats on havin sucha good day lol
yea i dont wanna go to school either but im like countin down the days till christmas arrived
im so excitedd!