Wedding Dress!

This weekend has been pretty good so far! Yesturday, it was like walking into a movie, ebcause my mom had cookies all over the place and an apron on, and if you know my mom at all SHE NEVER DOES THAT! So that was really funny to watch, but the cookies are delicious! Then we went to see the movie Closer. I will let you all decide on how you like or dont like that movie by yourselves. Today I had to wake up REALLY early (well ok not that early but it was early for a SATURDAY! :)) And I went to work on my egyptian project with my group. This was such a humerous experience, i never thought we would finish. Lets just say taht instead of mummifying barbie, we mummyfied 4 Laura dolls, and they were BALDING! IT was sooo funny, but you had to be there to understand. Along with finishing the project, i also learned SOO much about my group! I love my group!! And I love the people who I never really knew before. I love getting to know so many new people this yaer. Everyone that i never really knew before this year, has really made my year so far. (So everyone who you know, who you are thanks for letting me get to knwo you!) I am so blessed for what I have in my life, especially the friends within my life. I dont know what I would do with out the friends I had. Anyways, then I was leaving to go shopping for a wedding dress with my mom. And no its not my wedding, as my group seemed to believe! Yes I dont have a boyfriend or a date, but Im having a wedding! that was sooo funny! SO I went shopping, and we found the cutest dress ever!! Now I just have to find shoes, that seems to be a theme becuase I still need to find shoes for my cotillion dress. hmmm.... THen I went running around finding more christmas stuff, and then making the darn presents! But I really liked how they turned out. Then I just got back from babysitting my little cousins. THis experience turned out to be much more enjoyable than I thought it would be! We went to peter piper, and no one through a fit! And hten as a surprise I went to Cold Stone, the kids were so suprised and happy! IT was so cute. THen after some MASS confusion and indesicion (and some strange looks) the decisions were made and the ice cream was eaten. I got to see Sean at cold stone though, so that was good to catch up with him, and I think i talked him into coming to french club! THen we raced home for showers and movies and books then bed! And i got them all asleep about 2 sec. before my aunt and uncle came home. What an accomplishment! ANwyasy I hope everyones weekends are going well. TOmorrow is sunday! Im having more fun, hope you are having some too! Still anyone with advice or prospects that I could meet or ideas for my date situation I would love to hear! Kc
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