
OMG I am sooooo excited!! Cotillion is finally today!! It doesnt seem real!!! Everything is ready, i already have my nails done, they look soooo cute!! the lady even gave me a free flower on my toe just becuase i think she thought i was nice!! :) Im sooo busy today, but im bored out of my mind right now and my nerves and excitement are eating away my stomach!! But thast what happens when you wake up at 6:30 and cant get back to sleep and then have ot wait around for 3 hours instead of just one!!! Oh well, we will leave soon to go get my hair done. OMG I am soooo excited!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! HAPPY EASTER!! the crazily excited one!!!!
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I hope you had fun last night :D. I want to see pictures, lol.

Happy Easter!

~Sarah ;D
YOU DIDN'T FALL!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO FOR YOU!! I love my cutely dressed friend!