I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacations!! This is like the best summer and really only summer that no one has to worry about anything, becuase you cant really being working or doing something for college becuase you havnt started that yet, adn highschool is OVER! So ive been pretty bored and boring over the past week or so. Family finally left which was really fun while they were around. Then I started trying to figure out what the heck i was going to do wtih my time! Not much to do, finished a book, been swimming lots... hmm not much else. Then i started telling people i was bored, adn suddenly they all wanted to do stuff! So that took up at least half of my days. Which I was happy about. I love the friends that i still communicate with, and honestly i dont really miss the people i dont talk to anymore since graduation, nor do I think i will feel any sadness for them for not seeing them next year... isnt that kinda sad? Its actaully more freeing hten anything. But anyways, so I feel that tomorrow is my real start to my summer. I went to sedona last weekend and that was fun but i was only gone a day so it really wasnt like a vacation. So tomorrow i go to California. I go to Remona and hten onto san diego for one night. Should be lots of fun adn i get to get out of the heat! yay! :) Then I come home and im here for like 2 weeks, adn hten i leave for Maryland/Deleware to go to the beach and visit family. Then im home for 3 days and im off again to Hawaii, then im home for like 5 or 6 days and im off to Lake tahoe, and then im home for like 3 weeks and then i go to DENVER! yay!! Im getting so excited!! Yesturday i went shopping with my mom and we got sheets and a mattress pad and i was like "mom we really need to leave beucase things are starting to call to me that i need to have" it was funny, but it made me sooo excited!! I also registered for my first class next year! I was so proud of myself! I get to know my dorm and roommate later in july so stay tuned for that news, lol i know you all care so much! Ok well i think i have rambled long enough. Hope you guys have a great week and ill see you next week! the jetsetter AKA Casey
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Casey you are right it is amazing and i am having the best of time! Cant wait to see you when i get home!

luv ya
