2 months!

So yesturday i figured out that exactly 2 months from then i would be either at cotillion or getting ready for it. I started to get really really really really excited! Now that im thinking about it, im like omg by this point in 2 months everything will be over and i will have nothing to stress or be extatic about anymore.... thats a very sad consept. I have been feeling like im not being myself these past few days. Its really weird adn then yesturday i just wanted to run away and escape from everything that was going on. THen all hell broke loose and i totaly think that i have a good sence of intuition. I have so much crap goign on in my life right now with my family issues. I just wish i could know that i could depend on somethign right now, just hte support that i need of just somebody to give me a hug adn tell me that i will get through it. BEucase sometimes i dont think i can. I dont think i can be there for everyoen and watch my family go through this horrible thing and i cant stand to watch everyone in pain anymore. Its just very hard. I wish everyone knew how to handle situations like this. And would stop acting like im going ot like break down and cry all over the place. Im not and im sick of being treated like some wounded bird who everyone has to watch what they say around me becuase it could send me off into a crying fit. I just want someone (a specific someone lol) to give me a hug and just be there for me. BUt im afraid that thsi is just going to push that someone away because he wont know how to handle this situation. thats really scary to me beucas i can just feel how close i am..... or at least i think i am.... I dont even know at the moment. Because i just keep finding out more and more information about how so many other girls like him, and i really just odnt want to deal with it anymore. Im getting better and better at this though. I think im pretty much ok with just being friends and dates. Its just hard when everyones like im sure he will ask you to prom, blah blah blah. BUt im not going to prom unless i have a date and so i dont think im goign again. Oh well! :) um let me see tuesdayw we won!!! yay!!!! So i guess if we win on friday, and hten all the other games over next week then we get to go to the tournament!! :) yay!!! I have like no plans for the weekend, that seems so bad, well i had plans but now im not going becuase of family problems. So if anyone wants to do something, give me a call!! hehe Happy Friday! Casey
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You have to go to Prom!!! If u dont go go u will be one of the women who help their daughter get ready for it one day and youll regret it so much!~L