its finally over

Yes im feeling crummy only because i have a stomach ache at the moment other than that im feeling very good! Im really sorry i havnt updated! Im turning into those people I hate who only update like once a week!! I hate that, and look i accidently did it! But really i had nothing to say. Tonight was the cotillion talent show!!! And that means that I FINALLY can stop stressing about Cotillion beucase now the talent portion is over and i have an escort so its all going to work out perfectly! The talent portion tonight went pretty well. I was suddenly incredibly nervous and i normally dont get that nervous for those types of things. But everyone said i looked good so... then i kinda felt bad becuase my little "solo" act was nothing compared to what Jill and Kris put on. Theirs was amazing and fantastic. But i was glad that everyone got to see what real salsa dancing is like and it was done so well that its all good. My aunt just flew into town today and leaves on friday. My grandmother isnt supposed to live for like the end of this week, so if she lives for 2-3 weeks it will be a shocker but we dont know. We never know we havnt known anything for the past like 6 months so... who knows. I might be going to see university of denver this weekend which should be fun! I really cant wait to see the college to really "see" if thats where i want to go. Right now it looks the best becuase of the money and the programs, ect. Things with my date and I are still up the air. I swear by the time we finally end up doing something it will be like a month after the first time we did something! But mayeb i just perseaved everything wrong, and we are just friends i dont have a clue nor do i really care that much anymore. Because he is a great guy nontheless, and he was really supportive of me today when i started to get all nervous for salsa so that helped. Well I think thats about it. Tomorrow basketball game!! Ill tell you if we win, GO SAGUARO!!! Now its just a count down to the actual ball!!! YAY!!! Casey
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