University of denver!

I have made my decision!!! I am goign to University of Denver in colorado!!! yay!!! LMU in LA just didnt have the programs or really the major that I wanted and it just didnt compare to DU's. I feel so bad about not going to LMU though since just about everyone wanted me to go there. But i have to do whats right for me, and I need teh best education possible for my degree so its colorado bound for me!!! Im soooooo happy that I made a decision though!!! OMG It feels soooo much better not to have that in the back of my mind all the time!!! My spring break was soooooooooo much fun!! SOOOO much driving though! ahhh i was about to scream! I survived the roller coasters though which were soo much fun, and Im so proud of myself for doing them and all. Denver and LA were great, so much fun to hang out with my cousin her friends are really nice and I can see im totally ready and can do college!! which makes me feel better yay!! So today is the cotillion rehearsal and party!! Im so excited!! Cotillion is in less than a week now!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO much fuN!!! Cant wait!! GTG do laundry!! Love you all!!!!!! Hope you had a great break and I cant wait to see and hear all about it! yuck school tomorrow!!! :(!!!!!
Read 2 comments
YAY!!! im so happy for you!! luv ya see ya in econ!!!

Kaylee xoxo
You are going to have a total blast in Colorado! How exciting!

Yay! We are soooo not officers anymore...graduation anyone? lol

Later hun!~
Sarah ;D