Christmas Eve

Its Christmas Eve!! The very best day of the entire year!! Things are busily being cooked and cleaned and straightened and finishing presents are finally being done! Last night was sooo much fun. OMG It was definately the best christmas party I have had in such a long time. My friends are great, and it was so much fun to just hang out and be able to relax and not having to be trying to supply conversation or really "working" the party. I love you guys and you hvae made my christmas so special. I got an a amazing blanket that I love !!! Its this like leather and fur blanket that is so soft and i just absolutely just still dont know what to say about it, so im just going to accept it, even though he shouldnt have!! so thank you yet again! It was just sooo much fun, and Im so glad that all hte food I made turned out ok... i was pretty worried. Well I must go and dog sit adn then come back and get ready for christams eve! I hope everyones christmas wishes and dreams come true, and that santa brings exactly what you want this year. Wishing happiness for the holidays, i love everyone, Casey
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merry christmas n cute journal