can you believe its almost here?

hello all, I cant believe how soon things are coming up!! Prom is this weekend, I really can't believe that it seems like ive been saying oh ya prom is coming for sooo long and now its this weekend, its totally blowing my mind. I think school ending is blowing my mind even more, i think im in denial. Like I know its coming and its really soon now, but im kinda like oh ya shcools ending but it doesnt feel like it so we must still have lots left! But we dont, now dont get my wrong Im counting the days as much as everyone else, I just cant believe it!! To me it still doesnt feel like cotillion should be over... i dont know im weird what can i say at least i can admit it! :) Im so excited for prom. I just relaly wish one of my friends was going. Beucase its sooo hard for me, beucase im sooo excited and i cant really talk about it or be excited around her because hten i just feel bad, becuase shes not going and kinda depressed about the whole situation. Oh well as of saturday I wont feel guilty anymore. Today I felt really annoyed for no real reason a LOT it was the oddest thing, i guess it was an easily annoyoed day for me... oh well. I cant wait to see you all at prom and see your gorgeous dresses!!! My dress looks really really good now that ive lost a bit of weight. Oh look at the time I gtg to my yoga class! They are so fun, relaly hard though, surprisingly!! Have a fun last real week. GO SENIORS!!! casey
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