friends wtih benefits

i really dont know how i feel right now. im really quite confused, or just blah. Why can't i seem to find someone that I would want to be more than friends with, and who doesnt just want to be friends with benefits with me. I mean i guess I could take that as flattery, but then again i just start to feel cheap. Ive learned over the past 24 hours that I have the ability to flirt relatively well, or at least well enough that i end up being the one sending mixed signals. Never thought I could do that. surprise surprise. This whole cotillion thing has made not haveing a BF such a much bigger deal than it used to be. I really am perfectly content not having a BF, i really am. Its just this stupid date thing. Oh well im now on the thinking of things will work out with it though. I need to get white shoes like dress or wedding shoes by thursday! Can you imagine how hard that is! Totally wrong season. But my mom and I are going to look long adn hard tomorrow at like actual bridal shops for some really cute, comfy, high heeled white dress shoes. Then its thursday!! Im so excited! I get to ahve my hair done, and my makeup done! Ive never gotten my makeup done and Ive only had my hair done like twice, so i cant wait!! I love getting all dolled up. I find it so much fun. I just am hoping htat I have someone to get dolled up for..... hehe. Then that night I am goign to go to a game party. I think it is like a board game party.... not totally sure, but im sure im goign to look rediculous beucase i basically have to come straight from the pics, and im going to be all dolled up... oh well they will live. This week or just after christmas has been moving insanely slow! But then again I have done like absolutely nothing! Which you would assume would have driven me nearly mad by now if you know me at all. But it really hasnt. I mean I have just laid around reading and such. Its been quite enjoyable actually almost like im just recharging my batteries for the months to come. Which is a good thing. Anyone who has any guy friends that would be open to going to cotillion with me, who are nice, friendly, fun, and like to dance, or at least will try to dance, send my way. The countdown is abotu to begin!! Hope your breaks are going well. Casey
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happy new year! awsume diary.