Wishing everyone luck!

Ok, so i just wanted to wish all of you who have your research papers due in the morning, GOOD LUCK!!! I know how much they suck!!! :) We start ours very shortly, and im already dreading it! My schedule i dont htink can handle another thing on top of what it does right now!! Im getting very overwhelmed.... isnt senior year supposed to be enjoyable??? lol ill get through it! :) Didnt do much this past weekend, saw a wedding date which is sooo cute and totally restored my hope in relationships! Other than that babysat a lot and made a bunch of money!! yay!! umm lets see, i did a lot of cotillion odds and ends which i finished today by walking up to random junior girls nad asking if they wanted to be in cotillion next year, i finally found 10 go me!! Tonights meeting was an overwhelming one only beucase its like everyhting is ending! This was our last meeting (well official meeting) until the ball!! thats scary! we got our place cards to decorate and our invitations to mail, and all this other stuff!! Im soo excited and really mad at the fact that my research paper is goign to be right over the darn ball i bet! Oh well i will deal with it. Busy busy busy week ahead of me.... will go into detail later, right now i ahve to dash off to get to bed and dry my wet hair before it drys all funky! Anyways, good luck to the people who try alnighters for that paper im sure you will all do wonderfully!! Night!! Casey PS DONT BUY FLOWERS SUPPORT FRENCH CLUB AND BUY CHOCOLATE!!!!! WE DELIVER!!! PLEASE BUY SOME WE NEED CUSTOMERS!!! :) You can always send me some if you cant think of a sweetheart!! :) lol jk
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Casey you are the sweetest! I luv ya to death! You are amazing! See you tomorrow! Love ya!
