Barbie and Ken

Did you know that Barbie and Ken broke up? I didnt until yesturday! I was so shocked and depressed! I mean if Barbie and Ken can't stay together then who can? Supposedly they are trying to make her look younger and go with the younger crowd so that she can compete with the other groovier dolls. It is so sad though. This whole conversation got started because for out egyptian project we are mummifying barbies and kens. So we figure we can mummify them since they broke up! hehe SO that should be interesting. I am SOO busy!! I barely have time to breath!! But can I say that i hate it, NO way! Never I love being busy. Just wish it was all fun stuff. I can't wait till school is over, even though I still dont slow down, if anything I speed up! My aunts getting married RIGHT after finals, and then I am goign to California, and then im racing back here to have a christmas party, which i am still freaking out about because my best friend is refusing to cancel or just try to cancel her babysitting job for that night, so thats disapointing. But it should still be fun! THen its christmas! And tehn soon after I have my cotillion pictures!!! yay!! Still need a date though for the dance... ANYONE have any ideas, im open to them. I am meeting new people all over the place, strangers just to see if i could get them to be my date! Thats what I thought the guy could be.... but now that i know what he is really after, that will never cross my mind again. Everyone could not believe today that he would do that. Its so disgusting adn mean! But it wasnt meant to be. Which is still kinda sad, becuase I did like him. All this has proven to me is that I am really ready for a boyfriend. Just need to find one.... and the RIGHT one! hmmm need to try to dig one up. Any ideas PLEASE give me a call!! Hope all your weekends and days are goign well.
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u shouldve known better then to like a guy like him