Sooooo soon!!!

so i am sitting here before school bored!!! Is that a surprise? well no, beucase i am always bored, but im getting used to it. I getting cold, well its cold outside and i still havnt warmed up from being out in it. But Im hopeing as usual that during the afternoon it warms up. Not to much is new. Cotillion rehearsal went really well, but it did make me realize that I am a lot more nervous than I thought I was to begin with. But hopefully i am able to calm those nerves a bit. Cotillion is in 4 days now, i am sooooo excited. ITs like all i can talk about adn so dont even ask me about it because you will get an hour long ramble about it!! So excited should be so much fuN! Ok well thre is nothing really to this entry im just bored, so I figured I would update. 2 days left of the week! yay!!! On friday if its not raining go to boston market and get your car washed by the hospitality class!! All profits go to the epilepsy foundation. Hope you all did not have as boring a morning as me!! Talk to you all in person soon!! Casey
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again so excited for you!! and IM not even going lol.. but I feel like I am.. and I Can't wait to see pics.. yay!! luv ya casey
good luck this weekend honey!! You will have so much fun and you will do just fantastic! Luv ya! See you monday!
