Almost 18!!

I hope your summers are going well. Well, I am now into the second week of my time in arizona. As my mom likes to tell me quite frequently i should have gotten a job. lol But i still dont think anyone would hire me for basically 5 weeks spread across the summer, that just doesnt happen! But anyways, its needless to say that I have begun to get a tad bit bored. But its not all bad, ive been having fun to, Im just the kind of person that enjoys doing stuff. So nothing is really new becuase of that. Went ice skating last night, other than the fact that my achilles are hurting like crazy it was so much fun! :) what else is going on... Im running out of money!! hehe but im babysitting tonight and a few times next week so that should even things out, so no worries! Ok well i thought i would just drop a note saying what ive been up to, if you want to hang out soon give me a call you can tell i wont be doing anything that I cant work around! :) Oh! And my birthday is officially 10 days away i guess if you dont count today so maybe its 11... either way its soon!!! yay!!! Casey
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haha my moms been pulling the same thing about me not working. But I know what you mean, who would hire an employee for less than 2months?!?! I think the next time you have the urge to spend any money, call me and well do something together... SOMETHING FREE!!
Well I can't see you, but i am very sure you are looking just as cute as always!! Hope your 18th year is just as good if not better then the one that came before!!
Lots of love forever and always,