nothing special

I am probbaly not feeling this way, but I dont know what it means (note to self look up word) and I think its funny some of the words it has in there! Life how has it been for me for the past week or so?? pretty good! Im really happy with how things are going. Im beginning to stress about the research paper becuase its 2 weeks away from being due, and I have basically stopped thinking about it as of now.... hmm. must stop that! Its getting bad, I dont want to do ANYTHING anymore and i feel almost bad about it, except that I dont care!! Oh well, its the end of hte year who really cares??? That is beginning to scare me too, becuase more and more people are asking me when im leaving and stuff, and people im not leaving till school starts! Its going to be so weird not to be in high school anymore, btu i cant wait!! :) Today was a weird day, I went out to breakfast with hospitality which was fun, had horrible service so they will be getting a bad critique! then had another as usual boring ambassador meeting which I dont do anything for, but I thought Ms. Hanley would be mad if she didnt see me there since she has been telling me about the meeting for like the past 6 days, so i decided I would go. it was sooo boring and stupid!! oh well. Then econ was really weird. Both of my parteners were gone so i was all alone in my group and worked by myself (a beauty salon has a TON of stuff in it!! its soo annoying!), btu I didnt really mind, I just was confused and kinda hurt that no one talked to me in that class. I dont know what I did, hopefully i will figure that out.... then I went from that to my math homework where Im not understanding this one section so then i was all frustrated nad then to environmental campus clean up where only me and my other friend showed up to do, so that was canceled so I was REALLY mad after school! I dont understand whast going on with drama, and then math and just the stress of all school just got to me! Oh well im over it now, I have to go get more birthday presents for people, and then im off to see the play, hopefully it will make me feel better becuase its supposed to be really funny. Other than today its all been good. Stephen adn I are doing well, im really getting excited finally for prom, im going to go prom dress shopping this weekend yay!! :) Ok, im done rambleing and venting but isnt that what the journal is for?? Hope everyone is doing well! casey
Read 4 comments
...I didn't read your journal thing, I'm not in the mood to; but I realized at the bottom that it said you name was Casey. Nice to meet another Casey.
it's funny how they have the strangest 'feelings' on here, but then they don't always have the one you're looking for.

Sorry I didn't go to Ambassadors...can you blame me? lol and WHY did YOU go again? haha

I seriously don't want to be doing anything right now either.

Good luck on your paper!

~Sarah :D


Very satisfactory or acceptable; fine

LOVE YOU CASEY!! im sitting right next to you.. lol.. im sorry that no one was talking to you!!! that's so stupid, it really is you never did anything!!!