
Its been a little while since I updated, especially since I said I would update more! But you know there was either to much to say, nothing to say, or no time to say it in. Basically I love college. The initial thrill of being by myself and everything has worn off, but I still love being here. Homework and classes are boring but what did I expect?? I have been able to handle everything with ease so thats good. I get stressed sometimes when I try to get everything done really quickly, but it always manages to get done in time. I have met a lot of people now. Some that I like and some that i dont like as much. Pretty much everyone is friendly, I just havnt bonded with as many people as I guess I would have liked to. I do however like a guy, but there are too many complications or issues to deal with that it just won't end up working out :( which is very sadenning becuase other than that like one issue we get along so well, and hes a really great guy who i love being around becuase he brings out this side in me that I love. But its not meant to be i guess, adn theres no use crying over spilled milk, so now im in the process of moving on and looking for someone new to obsess over lol :) But ya, I went to a party on thursday, which was a very interesting experience. I need to go to those things with people who like them. I think I would have more fun. Everyone there seemed to really enjoy themselves though, and I would have had a better time if I hadn't had so many issues with it. So I will try again! :) Yesturday, Caitlin and I went downtown. It was such an experience!! We were sooo proud of ourselves! Becuase you have to go on like busses and the light rail and all this stuff to get down there, and if you know me I get lost and confused very easily and have no clue about directions! So I was proud that we accomplished that! :) I got my ski pass yesturday as well, so now i can go skiing all I want as long as I find a way up to the mountain.... but I am SOOO excited!! Last night i had a girly night where one of my friends did my nails and then we just hung out in her dorm wtih her friends and stuff, and it was so much fun. Something i totally needed. So that was great! :) Ok well, my shows are about to start better go get comfy!! :) Hope everything is well for everyone else out there, and that someone found this interesting. Casey
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