
Well, i just came back from a long walk. These walks usually help me clear my head and get my thoughts in order. It didnt help, nor did i honestly think it would. But at least it was excersize!! Ive lost quite a few pounds over the past few weeks. which is soo great, beucase i needed to, to be able to breath in my cotillion dress. :) And it feels really good to have lost some weight wtih just working out a little harder on it. Lets see lots of stuff on my mind though, in particular my date for cotillion. Its sooo frustrating because i cant stop thinking about it. even though everyone says, stop thinking about it and dont get so involved and i know i am contradicting myself from the last entry but i really want something to work out between the 2 of us. It feels like i am so close to something and yet still soooo far away. Its just not fair, but lifes not fair is it? I should have gotten that by now but i havent... What is so frustrating and confusing is how he acts toward me certain times nad then at others and then what my friends tell me. My friend told me that he talked to her about me, and how he was really interested in me, adn then later he acts just like we are common acuantices (I cant spell). Its infuriating becuase its so not like how it was last week. Last week he called me all the time and stuff. This week barely has, btu then when he does he says stuff that you know makes you feel all fuzzy inside... I dont know i dont get it. i keep saying its just because hes sick, and school has started again and with basketball its getting too crazy, but still i dont get it. Oh well I guess ill figure it out one way or another. The best thing at the moment is that i do have a date for cotillion. So now I have to have a waiting game till that day... hehe. Hmm lets see what have I done this weekend... not much!! Friday i did NOTHING! Which was kinda nice, i think i am emotionally, and physically really tired. Then saturday we drove down to see my cotillion pictures. They turned out SOOOOOOOOO well!! OMG I love them!! I think (i know im being vain but i dont care) i look really gorgeous in them!! The place gave my mom a "present" which is one of the proofs on the back of this mirror thing (kinda wierd), but it isnt one of the pics that we bought, but its still cute, and you can see what i looked like. SO if you want to see, ask me to show you tomorrow or whatever at school! :) THen I went to my friends play that they were in. IT was realy good and really funny. IT was soo good to see one of my friends again too, we never seem to be able to hold our plans together. Then I just went babysitting. WHich finally wasnt babysitting from hell, which it normally is, beucase the kids never behave. So that was good. Today just church where in choir, we sang this song i really didnt like too much, but everyone said it sounded good, so oh well. Then I went on a walk. Now I need to go take a shower to get clean, adn then get ready to go to my aunts for our tree burning party. Trust me it sounds worse than it really is. My aunts and I we all save our christmas trees and then go to my one aunts house that has a bonfire and burn the trees. Its kinda like a tradition. Its really fun though to do even though it may sound really weird. Better get goign on all that though. Hope all your weekends went well. Talk to you all later. Casey
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