So... I have a lot of free time right now, because there is absolutely no one here on campus right now. Ok, thats not true, there are a few select souls on campus, but I either don't know them, don't like them, or don't want to talk to them! So, i have decided it is more than time that I update this. I have no idea who will actually read it, but I know I read a lot of peoples and they never know, so here you go those few and far between souls that read this.
As far as I updated I had just gotten back to DU. well.. its been about 10 weeks since then. Its been a whirlwind quarter. Full of lots of stress, boys, and friends. Finally got over my winter break boyfriend, that one seemed to take a while, a lot of emotions evolved in that one. Really depended on my friends to get me through that, and became really close to them because of it. Whatelse... stress which is normal for me if you know me, the littlest things set me off. OH! I moved rooms, just across the hall, but i moved that i guess happend the second week of the quarter, seems sooo long ago! But that whole situaiton is much better now. Anyways... dated a guy for a while, but it just didn't work out... just ended up not being there for me. Hate when that happens... I wish i could know immediately that that is going to happen beucase i hate when it does! I HATE hurting people!! So I decided to swear off all guys becuase of that, but that of course only lasted about 2 weeks, until i fell into like iwth another guy. We are seeing eachother. Who knows where that will go.. he doesn't go to DU so its going to be interesting to see what happens, distance can be small and still be to much... so I don't know. I do know that he is like no one I have dated in the past and that I really like him (which usually equals trouble instore for me! *crosses fingers that doesn't happen*) Went home for a weekend, that was pretty fun, saw a lot of people in a very short amount of time. Didn't see some, but thats ok, life goes on. :)On the weekends other than that one trip, I went to the mountains A LOT, and got in a lot of skiing. Lots of fun, and I have gotten a lot better! :) Otherwise, i have gone to parties (i know shocking), and really started to have a good time! (thats how i met the last 2 guys im dating, haha kinda funny if you know me at all!) I still don't drink that much, I am a total light weight and have a huge fear of getting sick so I stay away from it once i feel it a bit! :) Finished off the quarter about to die from the stress, but managed it quite succesfully. I got 3 A- and 1 A, so all in all i did very well! :) About to start another quarter which im sure will be full of lots of surprises, stresses, skiing and im sure fun. I may be coming home for another weekend, don't know though. If I do my best friend is going to come as well! So I am very excited about that. Going to my grandfathers wedding in 2 weeks, pretty excited about that, got 2 dresses for all the parties and the actual wedding so i should look awesome if nothing else! hahah :) Just got back from spring break, lots of fun with the family as usual skiing in Breckenridge and then going to Colorado Springs for a 24 hour stretch very fun and very relaxing! I enjoy being on my own better though hahah :) So now i am on my own, about to go get some coffee or something with a friend who happens to live in Denver, and catch up with her about our breaks! I finally found someone to call me back! :) I hope you on semesters enjoy the last little bit you have left, and those wiht the fresh quarter, think of it as a fresh start, with new possibilities! Anythings possible, just have a little faith and remember to smile and you will get through anything. Summer here we come!!
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