Finals with a cold

Being sick sucks! But hopefully I wont be sick for too much longer. Yesturday was hell, becuase I felt soooo awful! Im hopeing to like kick this thing out of my system before finals. I need to be at my optimum (sp?) level to function well. Not like I have to worry too much. Most of my classes i have to get like an F and keep my A. So, hopefully that will mean i dont need to worry too much! Im soo excited for my aunts wedding though! Its going to be so much fun. I love big parties like that, and I just love being around all my cousins, and such. Finished everyones (friends wise) christmas presents this weekend, so that was good. People seem to really be enjoying the gifts. This week is totally insane htough becuase of my aunts wedding. My aunt comes in on wednesday adn then everyone else comes in on thursday! And I need to stay focused for finals!! I dont knwo how thats going to happen, but I can try!! Anyone have an idea for a date PLEASE notify me.... would be major help.... good luck on finals! You will all do fine! Casey
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