doing well

In life there are certain things that reguire you to worry or stress over. Other things that are best to be left alone. I have decided that people that are dealing with research papers and college applications require stress in their lives at the moment and can dwell and stress all they want. Then there are people like me who are dwelling and stressing over things that have really no end, and i have no control over. Im done with it! You cant stop what your heart wants but you can help it move on. Again good luck to all of those people involved with my potential boyfriend. I really do wish you all the best and hope who ever ends up with him is very happy becuase he is a great guy who just doesnt deserve me. Ok, after that topic! I have been so busy, i cant believe im just doing nothign at the moment! Lets see from the last we talked... Lion king is fantastic the amount of talent on that one stage is amazing and astounding. To be able to sing and dance like that is amazing. The only problem i had there was my contact was bothering me that night but i hadnt had time to see if it was ok, beucase i raced home from my hair cut and had like 30 sec. to change and be ready to go again. Well the lights are going down and i try to move around my contact (usually that fixes it) well it falls out, and im like oh this is great so i cant even see the contact but i feel it, adn i notice that it just split into 2. So i had to watch the whole show with basically one eye and by the time i got home my eye was killing me and i had a headache beucase my eye was so tired of trying to focus and not being able to. But that was that night, then i had to quickly study for my math quiz the next day and go to bed. Then it was up early to get to school early to be able to study a little bit more until i had to leave on my hospitality field trip. Which was sooo cool!! I got to follow around a catering director all day. I felt so important and had so much fun. Not that catering is waht i want to do in my futured i think any job within hospitality is going to be awesome!! Everyone is so friendly, and i just love being in a hotel even if im not staying at it. SO that was rewarding. Then we hurridly rushed back to school, and i went to take my quiz since i had missed all school that day, i needed to take it after school beucase i didnt want to deal with taht today. Then I raced home and changed to go out and celebrate for my uncles birthday. Always an adventure full of chaos with my little cousins and sugar. Then today it was up and atam again becaues i needed to be all dressed up again for a guest speaker in hospitality. Lunch was packed iwth ambassadors meetings which was a waste of time, adn i really cant wait until that club is totally over. I hate it. We dont do anything and i do so much crap for that stupid club with NO help and Im so sick of getting crap for not doing my job along with eveyone elses fast enough. Anwyays, then after school it was off to the gym as usual. Which i really enjoyed today beucase it just felt good to be doing somehting totaly for myself (alot like my hair cut felt evne though i felt pressed for time) and doing for however long and not being on a schedule. It also felt good to work out again i havnt since monday due to a overloaded schedule. oh well, i love being busy and on the run, it takes my mind off other things that i could be thinking about, like where the hell am i going to go to college!!?!?!? I dont know....... i hate decisions. I emailed the lady today all the names for the program, so its official and theres no backing out now... which is almost scary. I cant wait for it though, although the date isnt exactly how i wanted it... i sitll think im goign to have an awesome time i just have to keep in friendly. :) Tomorrow is the chaparral/saguaro game at saguaro. we better win!! I want to be able to rub it in my cousins face... lol not really but i still would love to see us win!! Which means we need a lot of fan support since we are on their court this time. So come support!! :) Saturday nto to many plans just babysitting at night and hten babysitting again on sunday. Fun stuff!! But i need the money and this is basically my job, so i do it well and often... hehe :) Well i think i have gotten everything off my chest or off my mind, i think its a good time to take a shower! Hope all your weekends and weeks go well. casey PS sorry its soooooo long!!! :)
Read 2 comments
Casey you are so fucking awsome! Love ya so much! i love how you said your potential bf! YOu are an amazing girl and you are right you are to good for him! But remember what i said! His "parts" can come off! Ok well i am bounching off the walls! Ya that is what three cups of coffee will do to you! Ok well i will see you tomorrow! I luv ya! You are so much better then him! I love you!

Whatever we know that the potental boyfriend is a dick anyways and we shouldn't have to worry about him anymore, since he obviously can't see what he wants or needs. So don't worry about him and go have fun with someone else. Love you!