Sonnet Class

So I am taking a class that is totally on sonnets. The class is called discovery literature so I thought we would be reading books and stuff like that, i was wrong. we are going over the history of the sonnet and stuff like that. At first I thought omg what have i gotten myself into, but now I think ill actually learn a lot in the class. Since I really have NO experience whatsoever about sonnets, it could turn out to be really interesting. At least im trying to think positively. Anwyays we just had to write an essay about the relationship between the conciets and metaphors in this sonnet that we picked out, out of a bagillion sonnets. I think I actually understood it finally, and i ended up really liking the sonnet. I am going to post the sonnets that I understand or like or think i do at least, here for you all to enjoy as well. ok im off to do more homework! :) Casey "That self-same tongue which first did thee entreat" By: George Gascoigne That self-same tongue which first did thee entreat To link they liking with my lucky love, That trusty tongue must now these words repeat, I love the still, my fancy cannot move. That dreadless heart which durst attempt the thought To win thy will with mine for to consent, Maintains that vow which love in me first wrought, I love thee still, and never shall repent. That happy hand which hardly did touch Thy tender body to my deep delight, Shall serve with sword to prove my passion such As loves thee still, much more than it can write Thus love I still with tongue, hand heart and all, And when I change, let vengeance on me fall.
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