
Today 10 years ago, my dad died. Strange how fast time has gone and yet can spin me back to that time like its been 3 minutes. He was an amazing person, friend, brother, son, husband, and father. I hope everyone has someone who can affect and change someones life just by knowing the other person. I try to be that to someone everyday to follow in his footsteps and to never regret anything. Remember August 23rd, for a great man.
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hello Casey,

I just happened to read this entry of yours. So you were 7 at the time? very small, yet still feel it a big big loss then, and even now?

I am so sorry if my words have made you any sad. Don't ever be sad cuz your Pa is on your mind and there he will be always at your side. Be happy! Love.
hello. i'm bored so i'm commenting on your diary!