to be back

Dancy is such a cute word. hehe So I am back to DU! I love it here, I feel so much more at home here than I really do at home anymore. Here there is always someone who wants to talk or hang out or do something. At home I felt like I was pulling teeth to get people to see me. As it was I think only 3 or 4 people actually came to say goodbye to me. But thats fine. I knew distance would change things with my friendships. Makes the ones that are really important stand out, and make me see that those are the ones that I will be keeping. Overall, i really enjoyed my break. As I said I met a completely amazing guy and had a great winter break fling. I did not in the end feel like I should keep the relationship going since it would have to be longdistance becuase my feelings had turned into more friendship than anything else, and as much as I tried I couldn't turn them back. The heart wants what it wants and you have no control over it. I hate ending relationships, it really hurts whatever side you are on. That was hte big highlight of my break, since every day would be different and exciting, until things werent and then they ended. So now im back, and Im loving it. I am going up to Breckenridge tonight to go skiing tomorrow, which should be so much fun, however much I am nervous about it. Its been about a year since I last went skiing since I didnt manage it last year, so Im a little nervous. With thoughts of "what if it doesnt come back?" Or "what if Im just holding up everyone else??" or many other crazy thoughts. Being back in school has also been interesting. All of my teachers this quarter are guys, which i thought was interesting. Never happend before so I look forward to seeing how that pans out. Doing homework is never fun, but its good to have something else to have to think about or become busy with. Im going to be in the best shape ever, since ill be skiing so much and then working out during the week, im already really sore! Ok, well i think i need to go get stuff in teh car for skiing!! Enjoy your breaks while they last! Even 6 weeks wasn't long enough! Casey
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