
Why do people like the people they like? Why do people not like certain people? What is wrong wtih some people that some people cant like people? Why do people say no to certain people nad yes to others? Why is it so hard for people to find dates, and then so easy for others. why do you seem to find someone and then it all comes crumbling down? Why cant someone just be happy for 5 sec.? When will prince charming come? When will things work out? why cant people just have FUN? It doesnt even have to be serious! depressing thoughts.
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because people are chemically inbalanced. everyone is I don't care what they say...maybe the severly depressed people are balanced all along and it's the other's that are screwed up. I don't know...just thought I'd share

have a good one
Girls like us just can't get a break!
Sorry to hear this is on your mind, its been on mine too! Good girls just don't get appreciated in high school-boys don't have big enough brains I guess.:)
hey i know what you mean! Sometimes people are just horrible and are rude!