
So I have been home for about 3 weeks now and decided I needed to get away haha, and so now I am in Cali! Ok, thats not really true... but it could be! I was always planning on going to Cali over break to see my family, but then my grandfather needed me to basically babysit my grandmother while he went out of town for 3 days, so I went over earlier. Its been nice, I've done really absolutely nothing for the past 3 days, except walks on the beach and read my book and think =). Which I know is hard to believe but I have enjoyed myself immensely! Its amazing, I guess I really needed to recharge my batteries and have been able to do that here. I got sick right before coming so I've also by not doing anything gotten to get better a lot quicker than I would usually. Tonight I am going to a boat parade, where I guess people put lights on their boats and we watch them... should be interesting to say the least because I will only know my grandparents... hmm we will see! Tomorrow my cousin comes home from college and I get to hang out with her! The rest of my family comes tomorrow as well, adn then more family keeps coming saturday. Sunday I go shopping with my grandparents as a christmas tradition with my cousins, monday we are celebrating christmas I guess as a group, and tuesday ill be home! We are leaving at 5 in the morning! Ah! Thats too early! but oh well! I will deal wtih it, i have 5-6 hours to sleep in the car! :) Um... news while ive been home..... I found myself a guy! haha :) Met him through my friend, its his roommate. He is really really nice and just like amazing. We have so many similarities and he treats me like I have always wanted to be treated. So I am enjoying that relationship. But other than that, I haven't been doing much because everyone has been in school! But that will have changed when I come home again, so that will be nice! Then its christmas!!!! yay! Im so excited! I love christmas. Then new years, finally get a kiss at midnight! haha :) And then I am back at DU! It will go by so quickly! But I am super excited. So much to do when I get back, still need some presents... hmm... oh well I will figure it out! Hope all your holidays go well and enjoy your breaks! smiles
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Im so glad ur happy!!! :)
Give me a call! If nothing else u could come over and watch a movie with me! I wanna hear about DU