C'est Fini!

YAY Humanities Senior Research Paper is officially OVER!!! its done with YAY!!! I think all of us should go out for a celebratory dinner. My group last year did it and it just helped make everyone realise (or at least the people that showed...) that it was over and we could now relax, just my thinking though! Ummm whatelse.... I got a dress!!! Its soooo pretty!!! It's liek the exact opposite to my cotillion dress and is very "sexy" or alluring which is what I am going for. No one gets to know what it looks like becuase i want everyone to be surprised!! :) Im no longer sick!! it feels wonderous to not have the stomach flu like sympotoms, ect for 24 hours like I did yesturday. So thats great!! And its a 4 day week so that means tomororow is like a thursday and I love thursdays!! I dont quite know why.... im weird what can I say. Stephen adn I really good, beucase of calc camp and I was sick we didnt see eachother for like 4 days (I know omg right?) but really i missed him i didnt think i would nad its not like me too, im the self sufficent type but hey i did and he missed me too so it was cute. with the research paper done both of our lives have like been cut in half with the stress so that will help! :) Totally getting excited for prom!!! Especially since i just LOVE my dress!!!! Ok, well i know that was just like a lot of babble, but I like reading about what is going on in other peoples lives, if no one likes reading about mine then thats fine, but i like talking about it!! hehe :) Have a great 3 day weekend!! Casey
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yay! you're finally done with your paper? how does that feel? lol...time to greaduate yet? jk

I'll see you soon!

~Sarah :D