too tired to think of one.

Feeling: sluggish
I'm tired. I have tons of homework, three days I'll soon have to make up from being sick, and Joey's keeping me up with this stupid interesting conversation. He's pretty cool though... Everything Sucks today. That would be my current music, only it's "everything sucks when you're gone" and the only person I can think of to be "you" is my grandfather who died almost seven years ago. Everything really has sucked since then, though... Anyway, I'm pissed because now I have to put music on further hold because of all the fricking schoolwork that I suddenly feel so inclined to hate and burn. It's such bullshit. Writing an essay on how a book makes me feel isn't going to work, because a) I didn't read the book, and b) It didn't make me feel anything, it's a fucking BOOK. Not much makes me feel anymore, I've had to turn off my emotions to avoid pain and the hatred of others that pain causes. You know what, change my current mood to pissed at society, 'cause that's what I fucking am.
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