Hellish Night

Feeling: jazzed
Here's something I stole from shesxinxpain, to take my mind off of the horrible situation I'm in with my grades and my grandma... m u s i c 1) using band names, spell out your name F - Fiction Plane U - Unwritten Law C - Coldplay K - Krispy Kremes... Not a band, but fuck it. Y - Yellowcard O - Oasis U - The Used 2) have you ever had a song written about you? Only some of my own... 3) what song makes you cry? War All The Time, Perfect, For You, Epiphany 4) what song makes you happy? Same ones 5) what do you like to listen to before bed? REM p e r s o n a l 6) height: 5'5 7) hair color: brown with highlights 8) skin color: dark pale 9) eye color: blue/green 10) piercings: That didn't grow over? None. 11) tattoos: None yet... r i g h t n o w 12) what color pants are you wearing?: Unfair question, as I am in pink pajamas... Usually blue, as in jeans 13) what song are you listening to?: War All The Time 14) what taste is in your mouth?: Stale air 15) what's the weather like?: Cold, wet, cloudy and hateful 16) how are you?: Headachy and scared 17) get motion sickness?: Sometimes 18) have a bad habit?: Dining upon my own flesh (mostly around my lips and fingernails) 19) get along with your parents?: Mom - when she's not drinking; Dad - fuck him; Grandma - Hate, fear, anger... but there are some good days. f a v o r i t e s 20) tv show: Angel 21) book: I don't read. 22) non alcoholic drink: Water, Thomas Kemper, Liquid Jello 23) alcoholic drink: Liquid Jello with vodka in it 24) thing to do on the weekend: Get on the internet and not sleep, like the geeky insomniac that I am. h a v e y o u 25) broken the law: probably 26) ran away from home: Not in any lasting way 27) done illegal drugs: Not that I know of 28) snuck out of the house: Not until I met Morgan... 29) ever gone skinny dipping: No, but that's a great idea... 30) made a prank phone call: Not that I can remember 31) ever tipped over a porta potty: No 32) used your parents' credit card before: Yes 33) skipped school before: No 34) fell asleep in the shower/bath: Both, many times 35) been in a school play: No l o v e 36) girlfriend/boyfriend: Not yet 37) sexuality: Probably straight 38) children: Probably never 39) current crush: The Kyles 40) been in love: No 41) had a hard time getting over someone: Don't know yet... 42) been hurt: Yes, but not by love 43) your greatest regret: Once again, doesn't involve love... Probably will be that I never asked out one of the Kyles 44) gone out with someone you only knew for three days: No, I've never gone out with anyone damn it! Must you keep rubbing it in?! r a n d o m 45) do you have a job: I'm too lazy to work 46) your cd player has in it right now: I don't use my cd player anymore... My computer has my I'm Depressed playlist on it... 47) if you were a crayon what color would you be?: Black 48) what makes you happy: Warm nights with no clouds and some semblance of a moon in an unlit city atop a tall building. Like last year in Hawaii. Haven't been happy since... 49) what's the next cd you're gonna get: Next cd I'll illegally download is probably Everything Will Never Be OK by Fiction Plane... w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t 50) time you cried: Right now 51) you got a real letter?: Whenever my dad last wrote... Like 3 or 4 years ago, I suppose 52) you got e-mail: From someone? Today. 53) thing you purchased: Guitar books and accessories,right after Christmas, before I went broke. Unless you count the candy bars, half of which I didn't pay for... (I guess this answers the breaking laws question... but it was only twice...) 54) tv program you watched: Monty Python's Now For Something Completely Different...
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"Get on the internet and not sleep, like the geeky insomniac that I am."

Jesus, maybe we are the same person.