Listening to: The lack thereof. Dammit.
Feeling: punk
I think I have ADD. Well, I know I have ADD, but I think I can convince my teachers to be nice to me because of it.
Since I'm not allowed to have any mental problems and all (long story, basically ending in me not being able to see a psych-anything-ist for any reason, including to diagnose ADD or other such conditions)
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.
I have a major project, a big reading thing that I WOULD CONSIDER A MAJOR PROJECT SO FU MS H.
Oh yeah, and physics. I should have just stayed in biology - they get to build mini-ecosystems next week.
Homework is proving to be a major difficulty, but at least I'm making fun out of it. hehe.
I'd post a picture but it's too big and the writing's too small.
Basically I'm annotating my reading with stuff like "this is where I stopped paying attention" and "I read this sentence NINE FREAKING TIMES and it STILL doesn't make sense"
Anyway, have a nice day. Or at least an ok one. And if you have a shitty day, make something good come of it - like a poem or a really well-written suicide note. HAVE FUN EVERYONE.
~ Beth
PS. Is anyone else noticing a general lack of that great community feeling?
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