Wow. TODAY ROCKED. I am sooo exhausted. From 11:30 to 4:45 i did nothing but walk. We walked from school to the parade...down to taco bell...up to kfc, down to taco bell, up to kfc, down to taco bell (holy gad i got irritated) and then we went to 7 11. All during the parade...cuz we were sooo bored.
I saw Dylan a lot. My god i f****** love him. Lmao hes so hot. And its NOT just because of his band shirts...hehe.
Me and Katie were groupies today. After the parade we hung out with all the sexy skaters..and we went to the skate shop for about an hour...and then they went to skate, so we ditched em.
Later an elementary school we learned that there was gonna be a gang fight (hahah 'the white guys against the black guys') and so we went to go see what was up. We found a bunch of asian guys sitting a little ways up the street...just watching the gang we joined them. Later on we hung out with the gang...and it was a great time. Until they all started getting high...lmao so we left. Annnd Tenzin, being the sweetie he is...left with us, to walk me home =)
Gad the guys out there rock. They make me feel so good about myself.
Hahahaha when me and Tenzin and Katie were walking home these guys tried to pick me and katie up. It was hilarious.
Me n Tenzin got a bit touchy feely. Katie told me that she thinks he likes me. Hahahahha but if you think about it...that is BAD because hes my father. Lmao but then again Katie is my MOM...and she took my into the closet =/ hehehhehe
Here are some picturesss!!!

My sexy Dylan!! Gah i couldnt stop hugging him today. He is too f****** great. Haha hes wearing pajama pants cuz he skipped school today. tsk tsk...sounds like he needs a spanking...hehe. Gad i love him.

MY SEXY KATIE!! gad she is too great as well. I love her to death!!

haha real gross picture of me...but it was pretty funny.

Hmm theres Dylan, Ryan (dude i just noticed today that he has a great ass), and Tom (katies boyfriend...whose butt i accidentally looked at...and who i accidentally watched while he was taking his shirt off...hahaha hes a cutie!!) in Daddies Board Shop.

...lmao. On the window of the skate shop.

Skaters getting kicked off the 7 11 parking lot...for the THIRD time.

when me n katie were hanging out with the asians. HAHAH.

its real blurry...but those are all of the azns and the 'white guys' haha. I think half of them were getting high right there.


lmao. that is the door to the gym at my old school. Someone broke off the that had to be taken up so it could open lmao.

that is my old schools hallway. I guess you can tell its ghetto just by looking at this...lmao.
Wow i bet this is a long entry. hahaha. i shall end it now.
Love youuuu.