Egh. This thing kinda sucked. I couldve gone to the dance if my dad hadnt called me the minute i was walking in and made me walk home.
My outfit was absolutely adorable.
I wore a black miniskirt...with my black high tops, some white knee high socks...and a white shirt. I thought i looked cute..haha.
Anyways...yeah. My dad made me walk back to my grandmas house (only a few blocks away) in the rain. It was fucking fabulous. By the time i got shirt was soaked all the way through. Meh.
I saw Dylan and Tenzin. But no Katie :(
Dude, I'm so sprung on Dylan, its out of control.
Anyways, you guys probably dont give a shit. So here are the pictures.

Oh boy ::swoons:: Haha well here is Dylan...Katies awesome boyfriend Tom..and little Tony...who is actually taller than me now =( They all look super hot here. hehe

Katie Dunn with her sexy graduation thinger...

Sexy Tenzin with his sexy graduation thinger...haha I KNOW HIS SECRET!! :)

The loverly Kashmere...I am in love with her skirt. It is so fucking hot.

Super cutie Ryan!! Hahahhah he'd just got hit in the balls about a minute prior to this picture.
Wow...i take a lot of pictures huh? Oh well. Cameras rock.
Theres a rainbow in front of my house right now. Its so prettttty.
Love ya.
I'm done.