
I am terrible. So last night Lyle sure made my self esteem go down. We were talking about how he couldn't believe I went out with Cody blahblahblah and I told him how nice he was to me and that he wasn't using me to do crap with me, but he made sure to prove me wrong. 'Yes he was. He does that with everybody. Trust me, I know him' blahblahblah. Yeah. Make me feel like shit. Which proves even further that I guess no guy has gone out with me for my personality or something. Igh. Except him... or so he claims. But last night I had a dream and both of them were in it... I ran into Cody when I was alone somewhere at school and we were talking and he said that I always acted like I was embarrassed to be with him when we were together...and I told him that that wasn't true at all and we were talking blahblah then things got touchy feely and I guess he assumed that me and him were going out again. All the while that I was still going out with Lyle. Aghhhhhhhhhh that was terrible... Lyle's coming over today to watch scurrry movies with me. I have to walk down to the high school to meet up with him and then walk back to my home. Igh. No more snow. It's all turned to mush and slush and cold rain. Darn. I feel sick. Like I'm going to puke maaan.
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fuck you
dumb bitchh
i am sorry men can be jerks sometimes... i mean... that's how they were born...