AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT MOTHER FUCKING SPIDER CAME BACK!!! This time it was just in the corner of my room, and I froze. I grabbed a shoe but I knew damn well there was no way I could kill it. I took my camera and started taking pictures of it *lmao even in the worst of times...its always time for a kodak moment* and I started taking pictures, and I guess the flash freaked it out and it started moving, but it still wouldnt come down. THEN LO AND BEHOLD I SEE ANOTHER FUCKING SPIDER RUNNING ACROSS MY WALL.
Then it got to the floor and I couldn't see it, but once i did...i fucking stomped it to death with my shoe. Stupid eight legged bastard.
After about 5 minutes of banging on my wall to get my brother to come in and kill it...i went to his door and begged. FINALLY he went...and grabbed two pencils...and then smashed that fucking spider to death.
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