::sings:: I slang in my white tee, I bang in my white teeee.
That is the gayest song ever. It's stuck in my head for some reason. LMFAO.
Today was a good day, yesyesyes it was.
This girl Misty gave me 7 dollars as a birthday present, it was really neat!
Then we had this really neat pep assembly...hehe.
It was only neat because I got to sit next to Cody and Kerry and Brittany...and yeah actually it was only neat because I sat next to Cody. lmao. We didn't even pay attention to the assembly, heh. Oh and Brittany took pictures of me and him, but I think that they look terrible. Lmao. He looks so great kissing though, haha.
He's got some wandering hands, ya know that? Lmfao. AndIjusthappenedtobehornyatthattimebutIwouldntdaretellhimthat. Evenwhenhetriedtostickhishanddownmypants. LMFAO.
I wouldnt let him though. You can't do that in an assembly! Gosh.
I'm lame.
I've had really bad cramps all day today.
I wore my favorite undies today. They make me happy.
Oh but Cody doesn't like it when I talk to other guys either. You know that? That's really gay. He gets jealous/angry whenever I talk to a guy that isn't Colin or Jacob. It makes me mad. But you know what? I can talk to whoever the fuck I want to talk to. Psht. Duh.
idk I don't really have much to say.
Homecoming dance is tomorrow night. I'm not going. Even though I think I really wanted to. Oh well. It's not that big of a deal you know?
She's retarded. She thought that'grafitti' was 'confetti' and she was like 'MICHELLE COME HERE I SEE CONFETTI' Referring to her nice job on the side of the elementary school.
That fag. Lmao you gotta love her though!!
-Mischelllllle like whoa.