Hahahah Thanks a ton Jess. You are the greatest. You deserve a sign.

hahaha i love you jess.
My day was fine.
Nothing much happened. Me and Brandon had decided to have a truce. So he wont kill my boobs now. But i cant kick him in the balls either. =/
Going to a meeting tonight at Godfathers pizza to figure out more on my Washington DC trip. Joy...
har har har. I was real bored earlier...so i was taking funny pictures. And then i decided to put my hair into school girl pigtails. As brandon would say...i was the perfect definition of a blowjob with handlebars. lmao.

idk if you can tell too well or not?
OH JOY. Damien gave me permission to post this uberly sexy picture of him on here. lmao.

how hot is that? I made him take this picture. He wants me to make that very clear.
And heeere is my sexy cool friend Kerry.

All i have to say is this...I am taken aback by your dogged persistence and unyielding retractability.