
Feeling: giggly
Dude, my sneezes absolutely rock. Ive been sneezing so much lately, and they sound so cool. hahaha they sound so girly, like they're really high pitched at the end...lmao idk who in the hell describes sneezes *but me*? ITS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'M IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY. Don't ask why, and I won't tell you :) Honestly, It's just one of those days. Those days when you wake up, and everything just seems perfect, and you know everything is going to be just fine. The sun is shining so beautifully down on us, the grass looks just a little bit greener, and the air is just a little bit cooler. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I need to stop swearing. It's hilariously funny when I do it though. Oh. Guess what. I'm missing my eyeliner. and my deoderant. Which really fucking sucks. But I'm not mad about it anymore, haha. I really hope I get to go to the stoooooore today. I'm leaving for Idaho tomorrow morning, where I will be gone for a week. And guess what Damien? I will be tanner than you. ...Usually, I will put myself down and say that I could never do it...but then you had to say 'hahahhaa you'll never get tanner than me' and that just makes me want to prove you wrong even more :) asdcjkasdkja[dfkjapeirjs;djkfa'kjfa;lkdjfafa That's a speshal message for you guys. hahaha I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Michelle
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Thats my other diary :] All about zodiac and whatnot. I think the latest entry is Libra [lol]