
Poetry Listening to my life Put to punk rock I’m forced to analyze All these paths, forks I blindly passed Walking deeper into the darkness Never searching for the sun Trusting my own light To fight the demons Pulling me between trees Unable to see my worth Don’t understand their interest Just a girl Without the power That attracts you to my brothers Those I rely on for protection Yet they seek my demise As though I am a threat And others come Seeking my body For more carnal desires They confound my senses More than the attention of demons I have not the beauty To warrant such affection With an ironic laugh I remember that I drove Michael to celibacy
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you have an awesome sit diary!
// you write beautifully //
You know, your brothers... all three of us, walk with you on your path. And I swear, if anyone comes for you just for your body, they'll face my vengence. And trust me, you have plenty of worth to be desired, if you didn't the three of us... no all of us, wouldn't stand by you like we do. So keep your chin up. We won't let the demons catch you.