Big Plans

It's amazing, for a very long time I haven't sat down and written any new sotries, because there hasn't really been anything there. And now all of a sudden, I'm working on two new stories, and rewriting another. And I think these are of a higher caliber than my previous work. Listening to music, sipping soup, writing, this is a life I could get used to. On a side note I hear that Stephen is trying to get Becky to tlak to me again. IT's been over an year since I last spoke with her. I have memories of our unbreakable friendship, funny it broke. I don't really understand what happened. Does she still think that I lied or is the unspeakable true, did she manipulate me and Mythril, did she engineer it all? But, that's a horrid thought. I still cannot sort through the insanity of the day that both her and Mythril stopped talking to me. I remeber the joy of my conversation with her and then her calling me a liar as soon as I got on the computer. And Mythril saying that he had a transcript of an IM conversation between Becky and I that could never have occured. Always I am so lost. Okay, on to happier thoughts. Valentine's Day-no thats too depressing. Jack is far away and I have to work that night. My birthday-isn't for another three and half months, but I have big plans. I want to turn it into a giant reunion. My dream includes Stephen getting leave and getting Amanda, Becky and Jack up here, maybe ever Mythril. I can promise alchol. my 21st birthday should be clebrated among friends. See there was soemthing happy.
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I dont know whats happened in the past but I do know that Im glad I missed out on it and that your at least trying to focus on better thoughts
I'll be there is I can. : ) Promise. (BTW, I'M 18!!! YAY!!!)
