Anyone wanna love me?

Well...I think its time I updated properly...Havent for awile now... Not much has happened really, still havent got myself a guy, I decided I need a bf though coz I am so sick of being called a slut...Im not..well not that much anyways.. Theres guys but...I duno, theres sum Simon guy but meh...we're just friends and he lives the other side of Brissy anyways so we wouldnt see each other that much...theres ppl I would like to be with and who said they would be with me...Except they dont actually live in the same state as me...And their are random people who want to be with me...only for one reason of course though...coz they know they will get what they want. Im starting to think lately thats the only reason any guy has anything to do with me, is coz they have it in their head that I will put out with them...Do I have some sort of sign on my head sayin "SLUT, COME HERE" no i dont think so...All I want is someone to love me...thats all i fuckin want and you would think I was askin for a millon dollars or something... As much as I hate andrew, Ive been missing him lately...Doing the whole cry myself to sleep thing over him. I hate doing that coz all he has done is cause me pain, so why do i miss him?? He lied to me, got sex every week, took money from me, lied some more, got with my best friend and then broke my heart so why...Like...I really dont get it...I hate him and I hate that syco nutcase bitch as well but yeah...Maybe its just cause he was the first person that actually loved me...In a long time...Since matt....And I was in love with him...That afternoon him and her showed up at work...I dont think it was her that freaked me out and upset me...I think it was seeing him...Seeing him after doing everything possible to get over him and forget he even exists and then just to see him and then to have him look straight through me like i wasnt even there, or like he wanted to make me hurt seeing him and her together...What the fuck did I ever do them god dammit. Nothing... We decided a few weeks ago after her showing up and my boss wanting me to get a restraining order against her that I wouldnt...Not because she doesnt scare me coz she does in her own way because I know what she is capable of but because if I went to the cops about her...a) she would be going to juvie and as fucked up as she is I know myself she wouldnt last in there and she still deserves a chance b) If i did that, it means she has won, it would mean she had gotten to me enough to do something about her and Im not letting that happen... Anyway as much as it seems Ive only got bad stuff to say, Im not cut up or anything over all that, I just needed to say it and no one here knows person, so I guess they can't judge me as much can they...Anyways I am happy otherwise so don't think Im not. I dont let stuff get to me anymore, I decided i wasnt going to this year...And im succeeding, people can think about me what they like I just dont give a fuck anymore... Newho, robbie I am so proud of u for updating...Wooot ( I kno somone that says woot in real life as well and he's a guy so don't think ur weird or nothin...well...extra speshully weird :p Muh gorgeous darlin little chickun no nothing has happened with you-know-who since I told you last. I have to ring him later so I will see what he says then, and he will tell me what ash said to him...I feel bad though that I have caused him problems coz that is the last thing I want to do but, it is her own fault and like I said to him last night...he deserves better than her...besides he said he doesnt care that shes mad so yer... Muh other gorgeous chickun ( you will have to guess who you are :p) Im glad to have you back and no ur not dead. (btw we won da footy!!) Love u!!! :p Mwah Newho dats all for me...Mwahz to everyone else He whispers that he loves her, but she's probably only looking for... So much more than he could ever give. A life free of lies and a meaningful relationship.
Read 62 comments
There's a million corny things I could say in response to that.
u are such a kid
yes u are dont lie to ur self
u are
so am i and im 17soon2be18

u have that there
wow the world is going to shits


oh yea
nah not 1 in a million...i just play the game by my own rules.
how the hell do u know about walmart then

so all to hell

i am a boy trying to find my way to a man

oh yea

what are u eating

2 in a half hours???

im pretty drunk right now
so im pretty sure i will be passed out right about then so u may or may not be bored


i get high

oh yea
**feels all warm in side** thanks dude...i don't see anything wrong with you...stupid brisbane blokes
I know exactly what you're talking about. No matter how bad Jake treated me, a huge part of me still loves him because he was the only one I ever had these type of feelings for. I hope I can move on and put him behind me because I really need to start over again.

dont cry u


i cant just stop

im an addict remenber

so yea


oh yea

what movie are u talking about walmart
Nooo, don't be bored!¤t=Picture203.jpg

Isn't that awesome?
You sound like you just caught me rummaging around in your clothes.
What'd I do?!

Erm, yeah...Anyway. What're you doing right now? *leans forward*
Wow, this entry is taking a long time to write.

You havn't told me about your day in a while.
Done anything special lately?
lol, where do you work?

And I was bored, and had a bloody nose. =P
Ewwww. Childcare centers are like...Like...Places with younger children.
Ahaha, they'd love me. "Weee! A punching bag!"
Ever friday I get pwned by a pack of 8 year olds.
k, not a "pack", more like 2 follow me around, and a third one punches me a lot.

And it was a bloody nose! I havn't been in the mood to get that much blood from anywhere else in a LONG time.
I drew a bunch of stuff, I'll post a picture of a few things I drew with the blood
replace [] with lesser than and larger than symbols, respectivly.

[br] means line break. aka, pressing enter. =P
lol, ask away.
It's not tiring. It's like asking "What's 1 + 1", then I answer "3", just to confuse you. =)

...You're not paying me to make sense, therefore I don't.
The pink looks lighter...Dunno if it's just me or not.

Anyway, the code is kind of complicated to write. So, Cool Web Scrolbar was created.
Just pick the colours, and it'll generate the code for you. =)
lol, yeah, scrollbars are anoying to set up. (Sort of.)

I liked your old header pic better.
"Be hot, or be shot".
It had a gun. Weee.
What was it from?
lol, it's in preferences. "header picture". =P
i would treat u mutha fucker would talk to u wrong if i was with ya. i would make sure u were happy until the day u die...and maybe longer
lol, you're not dumb. =P
You're just, uhh...Too busy off being smart at something worthwhile, that you have no time to be smart at the computer. ^_^
lmao, well...Uhh...At least you're making money.
But just imagine what you could do with all the money! You could buy me part of a new computer!
lol, okay, g'night.
Haha. Yeah, Rob's great. lol

Well it sounds like you've got things sorted minus the b/f thing.
Don't worry. You aint a slut just because you have sex, that would make me one too.
I guess if you were doing guys at random nearly every day of the week, then yes, that's slutty.

True friends wouldn't think of you as a slut.
Anyways we're young, fuck while you can. =P

Got any cool quotes that I can add to my quote generator site? =)

not only are you sweet for the comment you left me (totally appreciated)
BUT YOU KICK ASS. i like your diary.
-rock on

yeah it sucks right? lol well i love your diary pink and black are my FAVORITE colors! =)

have a nice day lol
whoa cant believe you remember that.
i was actually thinking about them like an hour ago.
no i never did
they sent the money back..or like put it back into the credit card cuz i think they ran out *is sad* i was so pissed off.

ohh well i'll have to find some other hot pink and lime green leg warmers some where else..aww..=(
oh yea forgot that you dont know what they look like..
oh yea forgot that you dont know what they look like..
awww thanks!
yours is awesome.
brand new taking back sunday senses fail dashboard confessional bright eyes.
everything in it is lovely :)

thanks for the comment

thank you =)
Because blood kicks oh-so-much ass.
hey^_^ havent said hey in awhile so i though i would... love the icons especially the lesbian one^_-
Stupid Andrew.
w00t! You used my name here! Everyone else was "chickun". Bwahaha, take that all!
that sucks that you have like no one that likes you and im deffinatley not georgous. No matter what your psychic powers say! :D
heh YES youre awesome!! do you have aim or yahoo messenger or msn messenger or any of those shindigs?
hey mami wasup. Been a while.. and ive seen a lot of shit has happen. I hink you should take a deep breath inhale in the good andexhale out hte bad.
How are you with oyu and your family. YOu know having sex doesnt actually make you a slut..whoever fucking said that. A slut s a peron who fucks anything and everything in sight. You just have sex with your guys, morel ike the guys you love.ANd plus its oyur all fuckin business and your own fucking body. I feel that ppl need to mind their own business and stay the ufck ou of others.It seems as if the ppl with the fucked up lives always come fucin
with the happy or normal ppl. THey are lways tryna bring some one down in their shit. SO fuck them all. Out with hte old and in with the new, get a whole nother brand new crew. THats rhymes. Or you dont need anyone. Just skip along with your damn self. But whatever you do i hope that it satifies you completely and your comfortable with know if ya ever wanan chat u can always email me ..i check that every day
Cute Diary :) I Like It
thanks .
i like yours too.
lol, good job. =P

Blaaah, I've been so busy lately. No time for sitD. =(

However, I did write out names of people on sitD in blood today. =P
lol u left our diary a comment that said i hope it has a happy ending. and i find that so funny, its a story on our life i hope it does too. keep reading lol i love the background, one of my fave songs
Thank U It'z Themed Around The Story I'm Writting In My Diary
thank u!! yea im lucky 2 have these ppl as my closest friends. i love your icons, and the rest of ur diary as a matter of fact. i like the bright eyes background.
and yes the notebook is the best movie ever!
o nd i see ur reading howithappened (from ur prevoius comments) that story's about our lives -omgoodness- lol
enjoy it :)
Blah, exes SUCK. I can sympathise. But the real reason I'm commenting...
lol, so you agree that blood is awesome?
lol, anyway, I'm thinking of writing a new entry tonight. I might. Maybe.
Bah. Sarcasmness.
Would you like me to write a new entry? =P
lol, okay, I'll try.

Don't you go to school or anything lately?
Some times you're on here at like, noon, your time. =P
Ah, right, holidays. Forgot. =P
Curling up and rocking back and forth while muttering "internet" will result in little campers scared for life.
how do you make the pop happen?
firestormx would not tell me
thank you lol now i cant turn change it but it is set back to norm now ty again
i went to neverland
it was fun!

where have u been?
yea i been busy with work and my mother leaveing town oh yea


what u been up too?

too bad u go no where

i feel the same
what makes u say that about her

im glad too

what kind of work do u do
ok why would we not have child care thingy


is it like daycare
or are they sick and u take care
i dont know
were do u wanna work
what type
fast food


what the hell is woolies
no clue

what so bad about ur job

why havent she been around

any ideal

shop that sells food



you are weird
i though u were in school
u have subway there

like in the sandwich shop

why dont u like kids

cause u are one




i get my clothes for work for free ha


jack in the box

i wish i could go to ur country
dude...i want to be with u. we can be alone together, but then we won't be...sooo yeah. u will find a guy. can i be one of those guys that live out of the state and want to get with ya? PLEASE!!?!?!?!?
luv ya