the grass isn't green when snow is on the ground

HAPPY FUCKING EARTH DAY EVERYBODY!! I guess I didn't do an entry yesterday. Oh well. Nothing too spiffy happened. Today was another of those not so spiffy days. It rained. All day. Work sucked. The end. In my next life, I'm going to be a dooode named Parker. And my friend Laurel is going to be a dooode named Alex. And we're going to meet each other, and fall in love. x3 && live in London. Now that, is totally spiffy. I have a fascination with the word spiffy. I don't know why either. But it's fun. Image hosting by Photobucket
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lol, i sayy spiffyy alot, too.
but the last time i used it [yesterdayy]..
i think i was talking about a boyy. (=

i looked it up..
benito mussolini's birthdayy is in julyy. )=
that would have made 420 even more significant.
