Bahhh. Figured I should do an entry. Only because I'll...idk...forget this shit when I'm older.
Prom was...well, Jake was bloody horrible. But out of the kindness of my heart [OR because Dakota told me to] I danced one song with him. I danced mostly with Bubbles, Alan, Justin, and Randy.
So it wasn't a horribly bad dance. Except I did like last prom better. Much better.
He [JAKE] ditched me at prom. Fucking asshole. So I hitched a ride back to my car from Alan.
Then I called Jeremy and talked to him for like an hour. =]
Jamie got Prom Queen and Nick got Prom King. I really wanted Jon to win, but that's okay.
I got to the toga party at like 12:30, and like nobody still had their togas on. =D Except Corinna.
And I didn't drink any alcohol...for like the first two hours...they had run out of stuff, so they went to get more. I think I got pretty shitfaced. I don't remember half of what happened. And I remember denying the whole time that I was drunk. It was pretty funny. I get wayyy wayy way too flirtatious with alcohol in my system.
Um...this kid Dylan tried making out with me. Stupid kid. Sean...ugh. That's just a hell of a bad time. And then Tim...idk...I'm pretty sure he was going to use my drunkenness as a way to get laid.
I don't wanna get drunk again. But it will happen. Come June 14th.
But anyway, we all stayed up until 7 or 8. We were cheering everything, sitting round a campfire. Everybody was afraid the police were going to come because there were rumors going around at school that the police were going to be patrolling the area. So like, a lotta people that were supposed to show up didn't. But that's okay.
I got to see Justin. Whom I haven't seen in ages.
So yeah. I slept with Sean and Ari on the floor in Sean's room. And then transferred to the bed to where Justin was. I don't think I got any actual sleep. Perhaps like two or so hours because I was wandering the house by 10. I didn't go home until 4.
So it was a pretty fun toga party.
I didn't go to school on Monday.
Found out Alan and his girlfriend broke up.
And on Thursday I hung out with Alan. =]
Had a good time. Went to the art show. Some pretty amazing artwork there. =]
That was my week. Or the highlights...
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