I need to start writing!
God dammit.
*I enjoy my intellectual conversations with JT.
*He's so mysterious. I like it.
*I miss Luis.
*Yes, I knew that was going to come eventually.
*After work last night, I went to Amelia's house. Her sister [Lilian] and Brianne, Julie, Ruby, and Isabel were there. Man, I love good times.
*Spent the night. It was really great!
*It's snowing.
*I'm hoping that we only have a two-hour delay.
*I actually want school.
*I'm fucking tired as hell.
*And I didn't do my history homework.
*First time all year. Crazyyy!!
Anyway, that's pretty much what I am thinking right now.
I miss Luis. Luis misses me. This fucking sucks. We're trying to learn to trust each other. Haha. He got a tattoo that says "trust" and oh man, it looks absolutely horrible.
Man, I fucking like Ethan too.
This is killing me.
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