Time: 11:45 PM
Man, I feel like an old lady. I am really tired. But I was busy all day so it's understandable. I got up today around 8 or so and went to Build-A-Bear with Cindy. Then I came home for about 10 minutes and then left to pick up my brother from summer school. I took him back to his house, where we had lunch and then my dad and I took Philip out to the Western Heritage Museum, where he is going to laser camp. Then my dad and I drove back to his house and filled up the bed of my truck with stuff. Then we dropped off stuff at the Salvation Army and the rest was paper to recycle so we took that too. I managed to go home for another 10-20 minutes and say hi to my mom before I had to take off because I had a dentist appointment at 3. After they cleaned my teeth and told me I have a cavity (I swear, they make it up!), I came home for half an hour and grabbed my stuff for Living Stone. Good thing I did because I went out to my dad's house to help my stepmom go pick up mulch and it took forever!! They had to make some new stuff so they could just dump it into the bed of my truck so we went out for dinner while they did that. Then they filled up the truck bed and we were off, only weighing half a ton more. We went and I scooped out the mulch (made of rubber tires ground up) while my dad and stepmom laid it out in their yard/garden/whatever. We didn't get back to my dad's until 7 though so it took an hour before we had enough mulch out to pull the tarp with the rest of it out of my truck bed. So I didn't leave my dad's until 8, zoomed over to church, as Living Stone started at 7:30 and I got there at 8:20. I changed in the church bathroom and sneaked in. After Living Stone ended at 9, a whole bunch of us went out to Applebee's. I really should've come home and packed or something but I didn't. Oh well. Too late to do anything now. I already have to get up early to mow the lawn or my mom's gonna be ticked off when I get home on Sunday. So here is my list of things to do tomorrow (actually today since it is straight up midnight):
--mow lawn
--wash truck (some blue mulch still in bed, yuck)
--vacuum out truck (french fries on floor of passenger side not very cool)
--drive five hours to Randi's
--get lost on the way (not intentionally but I know it'll happen)
--when finally get there, give Randi presents
--if she doesn't like presents, beat her with a stick
**Note to self: put beating stick in truck just in case.**
Anyways, so that's my day for tomorrow since I prolly won't have time to write. But I am super excited about my little road trip, although I am also nervous about the whole thing. Anyways, that's all I have to say except for look at this cute picture:

You forgot to mention my incident at Applebees, oh well, it's on my journal for those who want to read about it...I hope I wasn't too childish about it, but it seriously made me mad. I'm used to GOOD service ya know...Disney is all about good guest service!
Have fun with R-dawg this weekend, I hope she likes her bear. Drive safe.