Mondays suck.
I know it.
Everyone knows it.
They just plain hoover it up.
There's no denying the obvious.
I'm going to bed at 11 tonight. I'm not kidding, I'm going to do it. Because if I wake up tomorrow in the another homicial rage induced by sleep-deprivation like I did this morning, it won't be pretty. Just trust me here, it won't.
Seriously, I hate feeling so grumpy and irritable all the time. It's just not good, trust me. I'm at the stage where EVERYONE gets on my nerves. Like if you even smile at me, you run the risk of getting snapped at. And if I say I'm tired, don't tell me I look tired, because that's just evil.
And this week is the perfect week to get caught up on sleep, among other things. No tests, no assignments, Megan's leaving this weekend. It will be a great fest of sleeping and studying. And is it sad that I am looking forward to it? Because I am. So word of warning: you come between me and my sleep, you die!
shake it like a polaroid picture
because you know you love me ;)
And nothing's going my way
Forgotten tradgedy
It only rains on me
But I'm still breathing
Will this day ever end?
It's only monday