So today sucked.
But woo hooo for the three day weekend.
Reasons Today Sucked:
1. Four quizes, five classes, need I say more? Oh, but I will.
2. Blisters already on backs of feet (see last entry with ozing blisters reference)
3. Sandals hurt bottoms of feet so bad that I had to hobble around all day. Erin made fun of me for staring at my feet while I was walking but I was so afraid I would trip over something!
4. Went to the MU for lunch after four of my classes, which is a long time to wait for lunch as it is, but then as I go in, everyone is leaving. I'm a little confused but keep on going in. I get down to the food court and all the fire doors are closed and locked and the metal gates are down. Apparently, there was a fire alarm that went off or something so I couldn't get any lunch. I was very angry about that because my feet hurt super bad and I didn't have anywhere else to go since I only had an hour. Luckily, I remembered the cafe over at the business building so I went over there and got a cinnamon roll and an apple juice (super healthy and very fulfilling, let me tell you)
So, that's why today sucked although now it's officially Friday and I am going home for the three day weekend. Woo hoo for Labor and the day that celebrates it!! Let us celebrate work by taking a day off, it only makes sense. The only sad thing about Labor Day is that old ladies have to put away their white shoes. Sad for them. Good thing I break the rules of fashion and where mine all year round. Also a good thing that they aren't old lady shoes.
Um, so I'm tired now and tired of eating mashed potatoes, my snack since I didn't get any lunch, so I think I'm going to take a nap for half an hour and then pack and eat dinner over at OE with TP. Smell you later!
you know you love me ;)
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