11.07 A
Only one class left. Have to go to turn in my accounting project. Then I have to go to work, stupid me, being all nice and saying I'll come in and make like 200 bacteria plates. That will take like 4 hours. Suckiness. But I need the money. So far this week, I've worked 11 hours. So I might go over 15 hours today. Actually, it's very likely. Woo hoo because this paycheck will only have this week on it. And it's my last paycheck right before Christmas. So woo hoo for me with the non-small paycheck.
Can't leave until tomorrow though. I'm taking Karen to the airport. Apparently, we're leaving at 9 since Karen flys at 11. At least, that's what she tells me. Yesterday, she did tell that she flew at 12:45. Who knows? Not me. I'm just the driver.
Well, that's all for now. I'm so tired. I was up until 3-4ish. Need a nap.
you know you love me ;)
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