Hey, I never claimed to write my own stuff. Nate is the best. I must admit it.
Today is Marissa's birthday. Happy Birthday Mars!
Speaking of birthdays, Megan's birthday is on Friday . . . hmmmmmmmmm, what to get her? Any ideas besides a mullet cut? I think I will definitely be waking her up with a nice rendition of the happy birthday song remix, Robin style.
I just found out that Alicia quit her ARC job because of all her academics. Well, that's what happens when you take 26 credits, crazy girl. Just kidding, she's great and I am amazed at someone who can get through undergrad in 2 years.
I wonder when Roy is coming to babysit TP for us? :) Anna and I bought the services of one cute boy for an evening of babysitting on the cru auction. I think it's cute because it's so obvious that he likes her too. Anna was like "you don't have to do since you'll be so stressed with finals and everything" and he was like "I'm not stressed or busy, I want to do it!" So cute. They are going to get married and have long-legged babies running in 4J, just like we predicted in the Penthouse of Love.
Life is wonderful sometimes . . . :: smiles to herself ::
Today is my last day of organic chem lab since I took the final last night. Tomorrow is my last day for micro lab and Monday was my last day for com sci lab. Woo hoo for the end of school! The only bad thing is that Anna is moving to LA and we will all miss her dearly.
Anna's bridal shower was fun on Sunday. She kinda guessed something was going down but she still liked it. TP and I were a little disappointed with the attendance but Anna had fun, so that's all that's important.
I am at Parks Library, wasting time until my chem lab. I still have to do my lab report. I have a feeling that me and Parks are going to become good friends the next couple weeks. Not like we aren't already, since I come and visit all the time. Oh Parks, why don't you come and visit me ever? Maybe because you are a very large building made of stone and metal. Or maybe because you don't like me. I'd like to think it's the former, not the later.
I have one shoe on. That's all I'm going to say for now.
you know you love me ;)
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