Listening to: Gilmore Girls
Feeling: obsessed
8.35 PM
Yes, I'm obsessed. I want to BE a Gilmore Girl. Why can't I be cool like that? But who would I rather be: Rory or Lorelei? Technically, the question is: who would I rather be: Lorelei or Lorelei? I think I would rather be Rory because man, her mom is awesome! But I do want to be Lorelei when I grow up, except for the whole getting pregnant at 16, single mother thing.
All work and no play makes Robin a dull girl.
Today I worked until 6 again. Seriously, people, I'm supposed to get off at 5, stop giving me things to do! >: My hands have BECOME the smell of gloves. They no longer just smell like them, they are the smell. It's gross. I feel like I am a walking doctor's office.
Sometimes when life kicks you in the pants, you just need to kick it back.
Today's to-do list only has 19 things on it! Hoorah! I'm thinking if I put a positive spin on it, it will make me want to do more than the 1 and a half things I've already done. Hhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . not really working. Still just want to watch Gilmore Girls. Maybe I should add it to my list of things to do so that I'm just doing something that's on my list. Good idea, I know.
New accusation of the day:
"I thought Robin did a little bit of nothing."
Yeah, that hurts. I'm glad that people think I'm lazy. Lazy is only having 3-4 hours of free time a day. Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm, no. This person who said this was amazed to learn that not only am I the Fosmark house president, and a super excellent one at that, but that I am also secretary of Hall Council. I would go give this person a peice of my mind, but I really have no time. I'm too busy doing a little bit of nothing.
Wear it Wednesday rocks, just so you know.
Reasons why Chemistry smells:
1)it's chemistry.
2)see #1.
3)my professor resembles Mr. Bean in his looks AND actions.
4)see #1.
5)Professor Bean is dumb.
6)see #1.
7)Prof Bean is mean and likes to assign a lot of stupid problems.
8)see #1.
I could go on but I think you get the idea. Chemistry smells like wet monkeys on parade.
Maybe I should go and do at least one thing on my list before the Hall Council meeting tonight.
Or wait.
Maybe I should do a little bit of nothing?
Tough decision.
you know you love me ;)
i agree, very much so.